Appearance of rotary cuern (rotary mill)
From the book, Storck,J. and Teague,W.D."History of Corn Millimg" (Burt Franklin,New York,1898) stone mill as shown below was stored in the British Museum. Sieve, which indispensable for making powder. Next step of progress of grinding device was rotary cuern, which lead human race to machine civilization.
lines of evolution from the saddle cuern to (quern) the millstone
First rotary
The ultimate progress from saddle cuern was the rotary cuern.The auther write
"Above figure is upper quern stone, from Varaga in the Khaldi state of
Urartu, in the Lake Van region of eastern Anatolia, dating from about the eighth
century B.C. This is the earliest quern of which we have definite cognizance,
and is complete with not only hopper but rynd. Tseretheli, the Russian archeologist
who described it, is of the opinion that it was from a water mill, which mills
were of very early date along King macnuas's canal in this region; but its small
size - about 16 inches in diameter - and the three holes around the rim of the
hopper, for the insertion of turning levers, make this view untenable. "
This was the starting point of Europe civilization.The rotary cuern is a basis of a machine in present age and the future. It is much more complicated mechanism than a wheel of a car. The reason is the rabbing process. If between upper and under stone is not smooth, nice powde can not produse absolutely. The role of a stone mill was greate. There is a start of culture of powder here, and present age are the on the extension the line, too. When we confronting the great problems of 21st century, the second shortage of foods and recovery the nature which destryed by modern civilization. In now, we must stand on the starting point.
All Mills in the world (including east Asia)